
chain effect中文是什么意思

  • 连锁效应
  • 连锁效用
  • 连锁作用
  • 链效应



  • 例句与用法
  • Class to join three strings without the chaining effect of the
  • The chain effect and positive analysis of price change in input - output model
  • American exploration , a chance event , led to a surge in the money supply in european countries , a chain effect followed
  • The eighth part mainly introduces the establishment and management of distribution centers in order to release the chain effect and scale advantage
  • The polymer ic effects of polylactide - garfted copolymer of - cyclodextrin , including cooperation effect , neighboring effect and polymer chain effect were discussed
    总之, ?环糊精与这三种芳香族氨基酸之间的包合是多种因素协同作用的综合效果。
  • Thus , as the result of a chain effect , a large number of players went to bankruptcy . hard conditions now prevail in ( re ) insurance markets , which in turn leads to the shortages of market capacity and hence the increased premiums and tightened terms
  • Supplying value chain , market channel value chain and customer value chain effect on value of manufacture corporation , so supplying value chain , market channel value chain , customer value chain and manufacture corporation internal value chain form manufacture corporation external value chain , by means of integrating manufacture corporation external value chain , improve manufacture corporation internal value chain , for example descending manufacturing cost , enhancing brand value and so on
  • Due to globalization and technological advancements , new kinds of risks evolve all the time . these are either difficult or impossible to insure by traditional ( re ) insurance means . what ' s more , the natural catastrophes have kept on striking the world one after another , which incurred enormous amount of losses that far exceeded the capacity of many ( re ) insurance companies . thus , as the result of a chain effect , large number of players went to bankruptcy . hard conditions now prevail in ( re ) insurance markets , which in turn leads to the shortages of market capacity and hence the increased premiums and tightened terms
  • 推荐英语阅读
chain effect的中文翻译,chain effect是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译chain effect,chain effect的中文意思,chain effect的中文chain effect in Chinesechain effect的中文chain effect怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
